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How Often Should Wash Your Towel Like a Pro

Due to towel cleaning service, your towels will have a sleek, clean appearance and feel. The gift that keeps on giving is mastering the art of towel washing. Nothing, after all, compares to the feeling of wrapping yourself in a soft, expensive towel as you leave the shower. 

Of course, thorough towel washing isn’t the only thing that keeps them clean and odour-free. But it will also extend the life of your towels, keeping them in excellent condition rather than allowing them to become ragged, limp, and scratchy with time.

Even though you may already be familiar with many washing fundamentals, knowing how to wash towels is different. After all, everything is too clean to end up with odorous towels, let alone a bigger but less noticeable annoyance like bacteria buildup. 

So continue reading to learn everything you need to know about keeping your towels soft and fluffy for the long run, including how often to wash them and how to pass them. Then, once you’ve got everything under control, learn how to wash a down comforter, bed sheets, and pillows for equally fantastic results.

Top Secret to Wash Towels

For the procedure, you need high-quality laundry detergent. Once you’ve got that, follow these tips on how to wash towels properly:

1. Keep coloured towels, and white towels separate to prevent bleeding. Next, separate your towels from the rest of your laundry and wash them one at a time.

2. Add around 1/2 the amount of detergent as typical (using too much soap will drive buildup for your towels that reduce their absorption) and non-chlorine bleach (if wanted). According to the towel cleaning service, avoid fabric softener because it can reduce absorption.

3. Use a standard cycle to wash coloured and white towels in warm water.

4. After the wash cycle, remove the towels from the shower system, shake them out, and then dry them in the dryer. 

It makes the fabric’s loops more flexible and easier to dry and puff up.

5. Dry towels on medium to low heat until completely dry; any remaining moisture may encourage mould development. Avoid overdrying, which might eventually harm the fabric’s fibres. Additionally, dryer balls give towels extra fluff and prevent twisting and clumping.

6. Remove the towels from the dryer and shake them again to ensure fluffiness before folding or pressing them for storing.

While you may wash your towels in cold water, professional towel cleaning services propose the occasional deep wash on a warm-to-warm cycle at forty-60 levels to eliminate microorganisms, oils and smells. Avoid overcrowding the system as this may lessen the effectiveness of the wash and save you the detergent from being rinsed out.

What is the best way to dry towels?

Drying towels on a clothesline is a new technique if the weather allows it. It will lower your energy costs and expose the towels to the sun’s UV light, which can eradicate any remaining bacteria.

Unfortunately, drying towels on a line can make them feel stiff. Adding vinegar to the rinse cycle should help with this, but if you’re looking for incredibly soft, fluffy towels, a clothes dryer is your best choice to dry cleaning towels. Shake the towels to spread their fibres after removing them from the bathing apparatus.

Put them in a dryer set to medium heat. Before folding and storing towels in your linen cabinet, ensure they are completely dry to prevent bacterial growth and musty odours.


When washing towels, it’s essential to remember that not all materials are made equal. Numerous fine towels serve as decorative trims to add a smooth design element to the hard, vibrant surfaces of the bathroom. 

For a better towel-cleaning solution, go to a towel-cleaning service like Hello Laundry, where a professional dry-cleaning team is ready to fulfil your laundry requirements.

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